Vina Docking
This protocol uses AutoDock Vina: docking engine to predict the binding poses for a set of small molecules over the receptor.
Currently, Vina 1.2 is included.
The input can either be an AtomStruct
(to perform the docking on the whole protein) or a SetOfStructROIs
(to perform the docking only on the Structural Regions Of Interest).
All parameters include a help button that gives further information for each of them.
![Vina Docking](../../../_images/form11.png)
The results of these protocols are a SetOfSmallMolecules
, containing the predicted binding poses for the input molecules.
The user can visualize them using Analyze Results, which will display the General SmallMolecules viewer.
A section for defining flexible receptor residues is included in these docking protocols.
This protocol has an integrated test that can be run using the following command:
scipion3 tests autodock.tests.test_autodock.TestVina